
Muskego Lakes Country Club
14020 Loomis Road
Muskego, WI 53150

From Milwaukee:

  • 140th & Hwy 36 (Loomis Road).
  • Take 894 and exit on Hwy. 36 (loomis rd) go southwest 9 miles.
  • Business sign is on opposite side of the road from the entrance.
  • Or take 94 towards Chicago, get off on Ryan Rd.
  • Take Ryan to Loomis rd and go left (west) about 3 miles.
  • From West Allis take Hwy 100 to Loomis Rd and go west for 3 miles.

From Chicago:

  • Take I94 towards Milwaukee, get off on Hwy 20
  • Go west (left) to Hwy 45, go North (right) for about 8 miles to Hwy 36 (Loomis Road)
  • Go Southwest (left) for 3/4 of a mile for the entrance.
  • Driveway is on the right, sign on the left.


Free parking is available for those of you getting here by car. We will try to arrange carpooling and shuttles (which are offered by some hotels). Please let us know upfront if you would be interested in a pick-up and drop-off and where you will be staying so we can make proper arrangements. If you insist in driving by yourself, please also let us know if you would be willing to take someone along. Please email us that information at Jessie@JD.Pandatatze.de