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We would rather have your presence at our wedding than presents.…oh who are we kidding, we love presents! Though of course we do not expect anything expensive, especially from those who already give us the honor of flying in from overseas to celebrate with us. You all know us, or at least one of us, well enough to know what makes us smile, laugh or what you could treat us to, no matter if it’s a regular gift, homemade cookies or simply a huge hug from a long-missed friend. We enjoy presents that come from the heart or are personal, so they don’t have to be something bought or monetary. If you would like to get us a present though that might still be missing in our household, we happily provide some gift registries here. Since we’re moving into our new home soon, we’ll be in need of a lot of big and small items, so don’t be scared by the variety of things to chose from.
We are registered at: www.universalweddingregistry.com In case you would like to mail gifts directly to us, you find our mailing address on each registry. If you purchase goods listed on www.universalweddingregistry.com please don't forget to mark off the item. Wer beim DEUTSCHEN Ikea einkauft, bitte das US-gleiche Modell unter www.universalweddingregistry.com mit abhaken. |