Help wanted

help_friendsSince so many of you offered help, we will actually take a few of you up on that. We do need help in many areas.

Having 2 people of complete different backgrounds as far as wedding traditions are concerned, many things are completely new for us. Luckily we have great friends and family who volunteered to function as Dave-and-Jessie’s-little-helpers to try to combine a few German-American things when it comes to games, customs, and expectations.
If you would like to support any of them with ideas or by giving them a hand, or if you would just like to be part of any specific step or event, please contact the following people:

Kim (maid of honor) -
(anything regarding bridal shower or bachelorette party)

Elo -
(games; preparation on the German side)

Manny (best man) -
(bachelor party)

Please contact Jessie (bride) - - for all of the following:

  • If you would like to share your talents by helping out with hair, make up etc.
  • If you would like to help with logistics like picking up the cake or flowers
  • If you have friends who own small businesses (since we really like to support those) or do needed things as a hobby (cakes, flower arrangements)
  • If you know a reliable person we can hire to be responsible for taking close-living guests back home (or to their hotels) so they won’t need to drive by themselves
  • If you would like to “adopt a German” (see details)


“Adopt a German”

Since we can’t have the wedding in 2 countries, there is quite some traveling involved for some people. Since Jessie’s German friends already put a lot of time and money into being there for the wedding, we would love to help out by cutting their costs for accommodation. Though a majority will be staying with us (especially our long-term guests), we are still looking for a few people who would be willing to host a German guest for a few days (they are all more or less well behaved and the majority are potty-trained). Also, since most of them have never been to the US before, this would be a great opportunity to get together with “real-life Americans”.
So if you have a guest room or an empty couch that you would be willing to share with one of Jessie’s friends from overseas for a few days or nights, please contact her as well.
